Monday, May 26, 2014

jude, 5 months

age: 5 months

weight: unsure

length: unsure

clothing size: primarily 6 month.

nicknames: jude bug, judabaga, jude girl, and brandon has recently added jude muffin.

health: she seems to be doing well since last month, a few challenges with me over-indulging on garlic and rhubarb, but otherwise ok.

sleep: she continues to be a total champ! just last night the smoke detector in our house started chirping in the night. brandon was gone and i awoke to harvey standing over me (on my bed) licking my face to make sure i heard the alarm. it took me 2 hours to calm him down and convince him we weren't all headed for certain demise. meanwhile, jude slept through the whole chaotic ordeal.

diet: still rocking the breast milk routing. rob snuck her a piece of watermelon which she was very excited about but i haven't ventured into feeding her solids on a regular basis because it just sounds like so much work and once you get into it there is no turning back. so i wait.

baby gear love: spf baby hat and clothes because slathering sun screen on a squirmy baby always seems to result in her getting it into her eyes and screaming.

loves: watermelon (see above), splashing in the bathtub, and reading books. dislikes: tummy time (still) and being in a crowded house, which further supports my theory that we are raising an introvert.
milestones: she can roll from her back to her side, so that counts towards the rolling over milestone. she also discovered she can reach her feet, so she quietly plays for about 15 minutes at a time with her little toes. yeah, it's totally adorable.

Monday, May 12, 2014

jude, 4 months

age: 4 months

weight: 13.9

length: 24 3/4"

clothing size: a dwindling selection of 3-6 month things still fit, but she is creeping into 6 month sizes.

nicknames: jude bug, judabaga, and jude girl.

health: no problems for this little one, although the doc did say we will have to keep an eye on her birthmark directly above her butt, which can, in rare circumstances, be indicative of underlying spinal cord issues. [for the record: that was a horrible thing to hear, especially since there is ZERO we can do about it other than wait-and-see.]

sleep: generally she zonks out at 8pm, but occasionally she starts rubbing her eyes even earlier, which creates a dilemma for me because i get home at 5:30, so when she goes down much earlier than 8 i don't get much time with her and that makes me sad, but then i don't want to force her to stay up when she clearly needs the sleep.

diet: all breast milk all the time. brandon snuck her some cool whip and both my mom and i came unglued! i also gave her a micro bite of sweet potato, which she seemed to enjoy. we let her gum on a very tart mango the other day and she was totally uncertain of how to react.

baby gear love: my mom found an old toy of mine that is a pull-cord bunny that plays peek-a-boo. jude is crazy about this thing and can even pull the cord on her own. it is cool to see the toy still in commission nearly 30 years later! also, gripe water is an awesome hiccup solution and this girl gets a lot of hiccups!

loves: seeing brandon or i first thing in the morning, hearing herself shriek, and sucking on her fingers.

dislikes: tummy time, taking her liquid vitamins, and getting the sun in her eyes.

milestones: she is working towards rolling over, but is taking her sweet time because she despises "practicing" since it requires tummy time. eh, in due time, right. in the meantime, we are just appreciating that she can't move from the spot we leave her at on the floor. she loves to scratch her nails on things that make a bit of noise and seems to have figured out that she can control that sound.