Sunday, January 13, 2008


as many of you know, i have not been grateful to live here for the past year and a half. i have complained about my job, about the climate, about the scenery, and the activities available. but today i got to thinking about what our time here has really looked like and i realized i have much to be thankful for. i suppose this post would have been more appropriate for thanksgiving, but it is one of my pseudo-resolutions to practice the art of gratitude, so here goes:

1. i realized i didn't want to pursue marriage and family therapy.
2. i realized that the human brain fascinated me and that i may be smart enough to pursue neuropsych.
3. i tried yoga. and loved it. it has changed my life and will forever be a part of who i am.
4. i found out i was celiacs and got healthy.
5. i tried quinoa, which may be my most favorite thing to eat.
6. we bought our beloved outback.
7. we were blessed with a wonderful godson, rowan.
8. brandon and i grew closer and found out what being married to your best friend is all about.
9. i have made amazing new friends: amber and afton, andrea and will, leah, jen and liam, sara, cori, tim... the list goes on. they are all so different and great.
10. i got my combat roll (kayaking).

our time here is drawing to a close and i am eagerly anticipating what is around the river bend (pocahontas anyone?), but we still have a few months left here so i am going to try to live out our blog title by living in the current moment and being thankful for all we have been blessed with.

another thing to be grateful for: all my applications are finally ready to submit. the UVM application will be in the mail tomorrow and then the waiting game can get into full swing. pray for the readers of our applications. pray they like us and want to offer us all kinds of assistantships and fellowships!

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